Thursday, October 12, 2017

Meeting Announcement and a Welcome

Dear Far to Goers,

We'll be reading Lab Girl by Hope Jahren for our next meeting at Ed's house on November 29, 2017.

It was wonderful to welcome Carmen to the group last night, and I look forward to her future contributions.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Playing Catch Up

We met yesterday evening at Paula's to discuss what many call "The Great American Novel," Moby Dick. Considering that Melville's novel is long and the chapters seem disjointed (possibly because he did a major rewrite in which he added Ahab (!) ), we managed our way through a pretty rigorous review. I even plan to do some additional scholarly reading since Bev was kind enough to lend me her book. I'm very interested in the feminist critical take. I expect to laugh out loud.

We will gather again at 7 p.m. on May 10 at Kristin's to read American Joe - a bit of an experiment for us.