Friday, June 3, 2011

Looking for something to read?

Here's a nifty new resource. Flashlight Worthy - a website of book recommendations. Interesting browsing.

A flame war for Mr. Biswas

VS Naipaul, never a understated cat to begin with, has started an uproar in literary circles for his claim that women just aren't as good writers as men.
He does have some semi defenders.
Melanie McDonagh: "But you have also to hand it to Sir Vidia - as a sex we haven't shone when it comes to the grand scheme of things, even when there have been no economic or political impediments. It's not just that there have been no women Shakespeares or Tolstoys; there have been no female Samuel Becketts or James Joyces either. And no, I'm afraid Virginia Woolf doesn't do it."